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Happiness in Your Life

We Believe What We Tell Ourselves - Postcard Art Print 4"x6"

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We believe what we tell ourselves by Doe Zantamata

Frame-ready full color rigid card stock makes a perfect greeting card enclosure. Hang on your fridge or in any room of your home for daily motivation!

It reads as follows: 

We believe what we tell ourselves.

Tell yourself:
Everything will work out.
Things will get better.
You are important.
You are worthy of great things.
You are loveable.
The time is now.
This too, shall pass.
You can be who you really are.
The best is yet to come.
You are strong. 
You can do this.

By Doe Zantamata




Whether going through a big life change, finishing or beginning, or as a daily affirmation list, this print will look beautiful in any room in your home.